1968 wasn´t a year like the other in arts.
Not only was politics remarkable in 1968, but the year was revolutionary in arts. Beyond the political activity of the young in several countries; in the United States, the demonstrations used to be mainly against the Vietnan war, in France the target were the transformations in the educational system. But there were also demonstrations for sexual liberation and equality of the genders and races. We hadn´t got into the "hard years" of the military dictatorship here in Brazil yet, this period would only begin on friday 13th, in december of 68, through AI-5, that strengthened the dictatorship. Here, artists and students went out to the streets claiming for democracy and better conditions of teaching. The year was also rich in the fields of arts and popular culture in a general view. At the scenery of international music, the 1968 top hit was Hey Jude, by The Beatles, but they also made other song be all the rage, like Lady Madonna and Revolution. We can also find in the line-up The Doors, Rolling Stones, Temptations, Diana Ross and The Supremes, Dionne Warwick, Marvin Gaye, Bee Gees, Stevi Wonder, Aretha Franklin, and the Brazilian Sérgio Mendes with The look of love and The fool on the hill, that came to be a top hit with Paul McCartney´s voice. Other songs that made success in Brazil were also at the top lists of this very year like Born to be wild, yet sung by the band The Stepennwolf, Hold me tight (it became the soundtrack of a TV ad in the 80´s in Brazil) with Jonny Nash, and Light My fire, with Jose Feliciano. This came to be the greatest song of The Doors.
While The Beatles were singing You say you want a revolution, Jose Feliciano asked to Try to set the night on fire. Actually, it was a revolutionay and inflammatory year, not only in music but also in the streets. Paris knows well.
Surely that in the list of the top 100 there were romantic songs, even because that big thronging mass is known as the peace and love generation. There were also cheerful, dancing and alien, like I say a little prayer, that says "and wondering what dress to wear, now, I say a little prayer for you". While Jerry Butler ask not to give up (Never give you up). The dream can´t finish!
Whoever wants to take a look at he 68 top hits, here you are some links to You Tube. I hope you enjoy yourselves!
While The Beatles were singing You say you want a revolution, Jose Feliciano asked to Try to set the night on fire. Actually, it was a revolutionay and inflammatory year, not only in music but also in the streets. Paris knows well.
Surely that in the list of the top 100 there were romantic songs, even because that big thronging mass is known as the peace and love generation. There were also cheerful, dancing and alien, like I say a little prayer, that says "and wondering what dress to wear, now, I say a little prayer for you". While Jerry Butler ask not to give up (Never give you up). The dream can´t finish!
Whoever wants to take a look at he 68 top hits, here you are some links to You Tube. I hope you enjoy yourselves!
19 comentários:
Hum... gosto de blogs que postam em inglês!
Muito bom.
Why did u repeat the post?!
Whatever, this is a great text.
See ya!
ótimo post
aprendi uma coisa
preciso terminar meu curso de inglês urgente
Adorei o nome/endereço do blog! Já escrevi bastantes vezes sobre Insustentável Leveza. É um livro maravilhoso, realmente.
I like this topic, and i have to say, The Beatles are the most important band of the world
I've already read.
An' it's done!
Repeatin' the post?
Você esqueceu de colocar os links no final desse post. ^^
A figura desse é mais legal que a do de baixo, amei!!!
Vou roubar, shauahuhasu! =]
Hum... Preciso praticar + meu inglês! kkkkkkkkkkk .
Oh boy! Excuse, i can't talks. i dont' understand...
seu blog é lido até por gente de fora?
que massa :D
Como boa nascida em fins da década de 80 sempre gostei da música dos anos 60.
PArabéns pelo post.
Aliás, pela duplicada: português-inglês.
Beatles ainda pulsa rs
Eu custumo ir passando de blog em blog para conhecer novos espaços, quando gosto do cantinho de alguém deixo um recadinho, para poder acertar o caminho de volta, rs...rs...
Bem, te convido a visitar o meu cantinho também, caso você goste, nao deixe de deixar um recadinho, ah! e se não gostar pode criticar também!
Um abraço!
Very nice blog! post is very interesting in spite of bringing up something about a "dark age" of our history.
Congratulations for the blog!!
See you
Paulo Sidney
tudo bem, já que eu não tomei vergonha na cara pra terminar meu inglÊs, vou tratar de ler o post sobre cigarros. =))
se tivesse a tradução o post ficaria mais interessante.
although to be new, I adore musica of years 60
*congratulations for blog*
I've reading in a magazine (Época) about the year 1968...I don't have idea,why all these things happened at the same time,in many places,but i'm sure that after this year,the world changed forever...And no one knows what it means yet.
Thx.Great post.Kisses :)
Kra parabéns por seu blog.
Vc tem uma opinião legal e visão incrível das coisas.
Ah passa lá no meu blog:
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